Vision Statement

At St Brendan's School, we embrace community and diversity, creating a welcoming environment for all.

We inspire our students, families, and staff through powerful learning experiences, fostering curiosity and growth. 

Guided by faith, integrity, and gratitude, we cultivate empathy and respect, supporting all to flourish and navigate a future of infinite possibilities, making a positive difference in the world.

June 2024

Our Commitment

At St Brendan's School we are committed to:

  • our Catholic identity where we proclaim Gospel values centred on Jesus Christ as the model for life

  • planning a curriculum to which all learners are entitled to and which promotes high expectations for every student

  • developing the whole child in a culture of sharing and mutual respect

  • determining the needs and interests of the students and using these to personalise learning

  • provide an environment that promotes learning

  • embracing collaborative partnerships between home, school and the wider community to enhance student learning and wellbeing

  • strong teams and leadership structures which empower all teachers to be leaders of Teaching and Learning.


Our School

St Brendan’s school buildings have constantly been upgraded and we currently have 10 classrooms, an administration block, library, multi-purpose covered sports gymnasium, art room and Parish hall. Students play in four fully supervised areas including an adventure playground, grassed, tiger turfed and paved areas.

St Brendan's School is outfitted with a wireless network that spans all learning areas, inside and outside of classrooms. Students use iPads and Chromebooks to support their learning.

We are fortunate to have a rich multi-cultural population adding much to the school's unique culture. Students are very accepting of each other and their individual differences. We strive to provide an affordable Catholic Education for each family and provide rich learning opportunities for each child. These factors make St Brendan's school community such a rewarding place to be a part of.


Our History


St Brendan’s school began from humble beginnings in 1887 as a one room wooden school located on the corner of Church and Wellington St. In 1908, a new brick infant school was opened on the current site, 103 Wellington Street. The administration and additional classrooms were added in 1913-1914 and were described by the Board of Health as ‘quite up to date and the finest school in Victoria’.

In those early days, religious sisters played an important role in the school as ‘wholly religious education could best be imparted by religious men and women’. The Mercy Order had a convent teacher training centre in Flemington and St Brendan's was often utilized as a 'teacher training' school.

St Brendan’s has flourished under the educational and spiritual management of

  • 1887 – 1897        Lay Principals

  • 1898 – 1908       Sisters of Charity

  • 1908 – 1981        Sisters of Mercy

  • 1982 – Current   Lay Principals