Youth Leadership Victoria is a community and child focused, not for profit, Out of School Hours Care and Vacation Care provider that runs across 33 schools in Victoria.

They are 100% Australian based and operated and have over 17 years of experience in delivering high quality programs for primary school aged children.

Youth Leadership Australia provide a quality after school care service at St Brendan’s each day of the school year. Before School care can be provided upon request. 

Before School Care hours:

7.00-9.00am $15 permanent, $20 casual

After School Care hours:

3.15-6.15pm $20 permanent, $25 casual

These prices are before the childcare subsidy. A link has been provided to calculate your childcare subsidy. 

Here is a link to calculate your subsidy:



For more information visit: Youth Leadership Australia

You may also contact our wonderful program coordinator on: 0400 796 518

or via email: